
Hi I’m Amy! I’m a just turned 30 something living in Atlanta. I moved from Vegas to Atlanta to pursue a new job in 2012.

After a few years of not working out, I decided 2012 was the year of running for me. Since then I have run 10 half marathons and 1 full marathon and countless 5ks and 10ks.

I love running (I can’t believe I’m actually saying that), shopping, traveling and spending as much time with my family and friends as possible.

My blog follows my life as I continue to train for all the races, lose a little weight (that I gained after half marathon #2 + crossfit) and try all the cupcakes.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Holy crap…I can’t believe I landed on your blog…Not sure if you remember me but we went to high school together…

    And furthermore, I can’t believe that you are in my second hometown…I lived in ATL for 5 years for college (GT) and still go there all the time…

    If you get a chance reach out (prashant.pandey1@live.com) as I would love to catch up next time I am in town…

    By the way, gosh, you still look cute/pretty…so basically the SAME!

    I on the hand have lost of the baby fat so look a little bit more debonair, especially with my salt and pepper hair 🙂

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